Monday, 29 February 2016


CUT DOWN ON SODIUM: Sodium is a mineral present in salt. It causes bloating and water retention in the body, so avoid sprinkling salt on your salad, curd, raita, vegetables and don’t add salt to your chapattis and rice. Take only ½ tsp of salt in a day.

INCLUDE POTASSIUM ON YOUR DIET: Potassium is also a mineral, but it works opposite to sodium. It helps in relieving bloating and water retention from your body. Include potassium-rich fruits like bananas, vegetables like sweet potato and potato in your diet.

EAT FIBRE: Fiber is the roughage present in food. It helps in giving you satiety, aids in digestion, relieves constipation, and thus prevents bloating. There are 2 types of fiber soluble that is present in fruits and salads and insoluble that is present in whole grains and pulses.  Include both types of fiber in your diet to stay fit.

STAY HYDRATED: Water maintains the mineral balance in your body. Drinking less water can aggravate your sodium levels and cause bloating. It also helps fiber to do its work, thus also relieves constipation.

DON’T DRINK CALORIES: Stay away from coke, Pepsi, sweet tea, fruit juices, milkshakes, cold coffee etc.rather include whole fruits, green tea, chach, lassi made from skim milk in your diet.

AVOID HEAVY FOODS: Food items like fatty foods, or too sugary foods, increase the load on your digestive system and delay digestion, resulting in bloating. It’s better to stay away from them 

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Going gym, exercising, not eating your favorite snacks, still not losing weight.
Well, here are some common mistakes you might be making,:






Wednesday, 24 February 2016

A very healthy breakfast recipe and tiffin idea for children, who don't like to eat veggies

This recipe would make 6 idlis
Poha- ½ cup, suji- ½ cup, dahi ¼ cup, soda ½ tsp, grated broccoli 3-4 TBSP, chopped onion 2Tbsp, salt to taste
Soak poha for 5 min to make it soft
Take suji, curd and soda in a bowl and mix well
Leave for 5 min
After 5 min drain the poha and add to suji mix, add broccoli, onion, salt and mix with a spoon pressing and mashing poha nicely, add water for consistency
Heat water in a idli cooker, grease the idli mould and pour batter

Steam on medium flame for 10 min.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016


“Eager to get back into shape now that you're no longer pregnant? For long-term success – and to keep yourself feeling good along the way – get an expert advice.

Diet before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after pregnancy does not affect you only but your child too throughout his/her life. So it’s mandatory to EAT RIGHT. You have to eat a well balanced, nutritious diet.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Hi this is Dietitian Roomani and I present to you
Weight loss programme
“Got tired of dieting and still not losing weight. We have got a nutritious diet plan specially for u where u don’t have to starve”
 Once you register with me and I have enough Information about You, I will set goals for you according to your need, lifestyle and body. Remember, it’s not Dieting, It’s eating Right. You don’t have to take any pills or powders or do strenuous exercise. You just have to eat a well balanced, nutritious diet from your kitchen only. It will be a combination of food ingredients easily available in your kitchen.  I don’t believe in any FAD/CRASH dieting, my motto is

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Don't Diet Eat Right: RANGESOranges have so many benefits and I consi...

Don't Diet Eat Right:

Oranges have so many benefits and I consi...
: RANGES Oranges have so many benefits and I consider them a power food They have a wealth of nutrients including Vitamin C, Vit...

Oranges have so many benefits and I consider them a power food
They have a wealth of nutrients including Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Calcium, potassium and pectin
1. Help prevent Cancer
2.Prevents Kidney diseases
3. Lowers Cholesterol
4. Boosts Heart Health
5. Strengthens Immunity
6.Helps Create Good Vision
7. Regulates high B.P.
8. Protects Skin
9. Alkalizes The Body
10. Provide Smart Carbs- they don,t increase blood sugar levels as they have low G.I.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

 "It's not about dieting, It's about eating healthy" 
I am "Dietitian Roomani" and I believe healthy eating is not about strict dieting or depriving yourself of food you love.
I am a Diet and Nutrition expert. I have done my post graduation in Foods and Nutrition, thereafter completing my internship from PGIMER Chandigarh. I have gained experience as a Clinical Dietitian in Bombay Hospital, Indore in my "Registered Dietitian" course also. I am also experienced as a Diabetes Educator and Diet expert of Diabetes and Hormonal problems from TOTALL Diabetes and Hormone Institute, Indore.
My aim is to provide a healthy diet with a simple philosophy:” Helping people to achieve their goals with positive lifestyle changes”. I provide unique services of Online Diet Plans. It offers the comfort to avail the diet consultation from your preferred location. You don’t have to visit the clinic or wait in a queue to get started with healthy eating. I will communicate with you over telephone or WhatsApp or Chatting or e- mail or Skype call.
My e-clinic service not only reduces body weight but also other risks associated with it by focusing on the whole body. Besides Weight loss, I provide diet plans for Weight gain, Bodybuilding, Skin glow, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, Nephrological Disorders, Liver functioning disorders, Malabsorption Syndrome, Gluten allergies, and also for High uric acids, High blood pressure disorders, Acidity, Hormonal imbalances like Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, PCOD, diet by profession with normal kitchen diets.
The services include monthly, quarterly, or yearly packages which include body analysis, weekly balanced diet plans with follow-ups for achieving desired results for blood sugar levels, Weight loss, Weight gain and there are other packages also for Brides, Body Building, Body shaping.
My motto is to provide a well-balanced diet according to your lifestyle. Because
“You don’t have to Eat Less, You Just have to Eat Right”